IBLCE Career Centre Employer Interest Form

Interested in posting a job to the Career Centre? Each job posting is 50 USD per month. Fill out the form below and IBLCE staff will be in contact to arrange the post.

Is your organisation a direct lactation care provider? (required)

Will this posting be for an IBCLC or a professional expected to earn the IBCLC as a condition of employment*?(required)

Do you as an employer/organisation have any relationship – professional, personal, paid, or volunteer – with any entities who are not compliant with the World Health Organisation International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes**?(required)

*Please note: only positions that require applicants to have an IBCLC or to earn the IBCLC as a condition of employment and are also direct care positions are eligible to be posted on the IBLCE Career Centre.

**World Health Organisation International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

IBLCE specifically reserves the right, and in its sole discretion, to approve job posting content before it is posted to the Career Centre.  Additionally, IBLCE specifically reserves the right to decline a posting in the event it fails to meet IBLCE requirements.